Aptar's gas truck has expanded measures and guarantees a reduction of up to 25% in CO2 emissions

Aptar Beauty announces the launch of a gas truck with autonomy over 1300 km. The vehicle has just been completed and should speed up the distribution of the company's packaging throughout Brazil, reducing CO2 emissions.

President of Latin America Emerson Gambera at the inauguration of the Aptar Beauty CNG truck

The Volkswagen truck was fully customized by BT Logística, with support from MWM, a Tupy subsidiary, which carried out the vehicle transformation, replacing the diesel engine with a new 100% gas engine. "In addition to reducing fuel costs, with the new vehicle, Aptar gains autonomy and agility in the transportation of our products to practically all of the company's plants in Brazil: from Cajamar and Jundiaí, in SP, to Maringá, in PR, or in Camaçari, BA," celebrates the President of Aptar Beauty Latin America, Emerson Gambera.

Replacing the diesel engine with the new gas engine also contributes to reducing CO2 emissions in the transportation of packaging, contributing to the preservation of the ozone layer and increasing climate resilience. “This is undoubtedly a significant milestone for Aptar,” reinforces Gambera.

The vehicle transformation, carried out by MWM, was not the only customization that BT Logística made to the truck. In order to transport even more packages in a single trip, the vehicle's dimensions were increased: while a standard truck is approximately 7.5 meters long and 2.5 meters high and wide, Aptar's truck is 11.5 meters long and 3.2 meters high and wide. "The result is that Aptar now has a vehicle that not only maximizes energy efficiency, but also fully utilizes the length, height and width limits, without disregarding the limits established by regulatory agencies," explains BT Logística's General Director, Daniel Toloni.

The gas used in the truck is from Comgás, the largest natural gas distributor in Latin America, and the partnership with BT Logística is part of an initiative that aims to accelerate the development of the natural gas for vehicles (NGV) market for heavy vehicles and fulfill the commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. “The transformation reduced the engine noise level, which brings more comfort and satisfaction to the driver and to the environment. The refueling time of NGV-powered trucks using the high-flow nozzle is very similar to that of diesel, placing NGV in an extremely viable and competitive position in the environmental, operational and financial pillars. The engine also runs on biomethane and, in this case, would mean a reduction of more than 90% in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,” says Toloni.

Cristian Malevic, engineering director and head of MWM's decarbonization and electric energy solutions unit, highlights that the launch of the truck with vehicle transformation, carried out by MWM and with a range of 1,300 km, through the partnership with BT Logística and Aptar Beauty, represents an important milestone in the adoption of sustainable solutions in the transportation sector. "In addition to contributing to increased climate resilience by reducing GHG emissions, there are other benefits, such as reduced operating costs, ease of maintenance, with approximately 85% of the components common to the diesel engine identical, and still maintaining torque and power performance similar to that of the original diesel engine," explains Malevic.

Another benefit of the project is that the truck enables Aptar customers to reduce their carbon footprint. “Our ability to provide more sustainable solutions aligned with our customers’ purposes goes beyond the production of components and packaging. The truck not only represents a technological innovation, but also our serious commitment to sustainability – and signals to the entire packaging chain the importance of understanding the environmental impact of the sector in a holistic way,” concludes Gambera.

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